
British tribe in the area that sits between Greater London and the sea.

The first mention of the Trinobantes is in Julius Caesar's De Bello Gallico; the first king mentioned was Imanuentis, whose son Mandubracius, who was deposed by Cassivellaunus, king of the Catuvellauni.1. Mandubracius fled to Caesar's camp, and was subsequently restored as king.

Some time after this, the Trinobantes may have been conquered again by the Catuvellauni king Tasciovanus, who apparently claimed to be the proper heir. As Mandubracius doesn't seem to have had a son, there may have been a female relative of Mandubracius who was Tasciovanus' mother, but this isn't clear.

The next king is known from numistic sources; Addedomarus, who ruled ca. 20-15 BCE; he was followed by his son Dubnovellaunus (10-5 BCE).

Again, they were conquered by the Catuvellauni, this time by Cunobelinus.

The next mention of the Trinobantes was in the rebellion of Boudicca, where they supported the Iceni.

1. John Koch holds that this is the origin of the third branch of the Mabinogi, wherein Manawydan is deposed of the kingship of Britain by Caswallawn.

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